Digital Transformation for Healthcare

Healthcare Is Changing and The Challenges are Real 

Two  interrelated forces are driving change and disruption in healthcare:

  1. Healthcare organizations are being squeezed by plummeting income and climbing COVID-19 expenses
  2. Long-term systemic issues that healthcare organizations must address

Organizations are Investing in Technology   

Modern Healthcare

A modern data estate and computing platform not only stores all your data but also connects disparate data points, The result is a rich 360-degree of every patient, lowered operating costs and better data organization.

Azure Database Migration

Data Modernization
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Modern applications provide organizational agility that can be used to  build frontline-specific apps, support critical patient information, as well as business and financial data --- without cumbersome development cycles.


Application Modernization
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According to Datavant, over 4 trillion gigabytes of healthcare data is generated annually, and is projected to double every 2 years. By leveraging data & AI, organizations  can transform care and dramatically improve health.

Azure Data & AI

Data & AI
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The above strategies are all critical components to achieving modern healthcare. What is unique and hard to find, is a technology partner that provides all these capabilities in-house. InCycle can not only do that, but also wants to help you achieve the next level of success. Contact us today to get started.

Happy Customers

InCycle Healthcare Customers

Application modernization is the only way to compete and remain relevant.
                                                                                      Director of IT, Healthcare Provider

Microsoft Azure for Healthcare

Brings together trusted and integrated capabilities for customers and partners to enrich patient engagement and connects health teams to help improve collaboration, decision-making and operational efficiencies.

Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare makes it faster and easier to provide more efficient care and help ensure the end-to-end security, compliance and accessibility of health data.


Healthcare Data and Analytics with InCycle

App & Data Modernization Smart Start


What our clients say ...

"If it wasn't for the InCycle team, we probably wouldn't be around to talk about it. What we have accomplished in so little time --- is amazing."

Happy Customer


“We had some ideas of how to solve the problem, but nothing as elegant as you presented." 

Happy Customer


"We really appreciate your team going the extra mile --- we didn't even have to ask for it!"

Happy Customer


“Working with InCycle enabled us to quickly prototype a test environment in Azure with almost no upfront effort.  InCycle’s expertise has shown that they fundamentally understand the technology, listen to customer’s needs and requirements and then can quickly implement a precise customized solution.”

Craig Steinfort

Test Manager