Watch Now: Getting Started with Containers & Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

Curious about Docker, Kubernetes, and Azure Kubernetes Service? Microsoft & InCycle teaming up to present containers and showcase how Kubernetes can support containerized apps in production. Video will also showcase how using a managed Kubernetes service (i.e., AKS) and advanced DevOps will operationalize and accelerate implementations.

AKS Webinar

Learn from Azure Containerization Experts!

Topics include:

  • Understand the competitive edge containerization can add to your cloud strategy
  • Define a container registry and tap into its power for your modernization
  • Investigate how Kubernetes earned its reputation as a top management solution for containerized applications
  • Amplify the impact of your containerization project with a managed Kubernetes service (i.e., AKS)
  • Apply DevOps to AKS to scale your modernization efforts and business growth seamlessly

Containerization and Kubernetes are leading solutions for growing businesses and optimizing application delivery strategies. Join us to master the fundamental tools, technologies, and concepts critical to your success. InCycle delivers a jargon-free walkthrough that will instantly enable your modernization project.

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“We wanted to learn more about containers and AKS. My team is hands-on and they like to learn by doing. The InCycle PoC helped us ‘try before we buy’ and experiment with the technology. It was the best approach for us.”
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Partner advanced specialization - 2 App modernization + AKS


Enjoy this free presentation courtesy of InCycle’s Azure experts and our Microsoft partnership. 
